Monday, September 1, 2014

Student Recognition

I'm sure we've all had that student that needs a bit of extra guidance when it comes to behavior.  I know that when I have a student that seems to really struggle, I want to jump on any positive thing they do and praise them for it in hopes that they will like the positive reaction from me and want to continue the good behavior.  That's why I made these buttons and stickers:

After praising the student for their positive behavior I give them a button to wear around school and home.  The buttons encourage others in the building to ask the student what they did to earn it. The student is then repeating the positive behavior several times throughout the day.  My hope is that by seeing all of the positive reactions from people other than just their teacher and repeating what they did they will want to continue the positive behavior.

I have used  a clip chart in the past where students moved their clip up for demonstrating positive behaviors.  At the end of the day I asked students why they moved their clip up so that I could record it on their chart that went home. I found that a lot of students forgot what they did to move their clip up!  By having to repeat it several times a day when they wear the button or sticker, it's harder for them to forget what they did that was good.

I used PowerPoint to design the buttons.  I made the circles 2.33" in diameter and then added clip art and text boxes.  These were the buttons I purchased from Amazon.  I liked these because you didn't need an expensive button maker.  After printing your circles, just cut them out, pop off the top of the button, put your picture in and snap it in place.

Here you can see all of the buttons I hand out.   You can download them for free here or by clicking on the picture.

The stickers are even easier to make than the buttons.  I just buy the 2" by 4" shipping labels.  I use the template for the labels in word, add my text and clip art, and print!
Here you can see the stickers and the labels I used.  You can download my stickers for free here or by clicking the picture.

I teach 2nd grade so my students think it's fun or cool to wear a button or a sticker.   I'm not sure how older kids would handle it. When I put these on my students they just love to get the recognition from others.  I made them all bright yellow so they were hard not to notice when they are wearing them.

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